Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Excerpt from the book »Gradido – Natural Economy of Life«

Dear Reader,

By coming so far as to read this foreword you have embarked on a journey that will take you into the secrets of nature, which will finally be so easy for us to understand that we can only say, yes, yes, yes. When you begin to read this book »The Natural Economy of Life«, you will emerge into a new world of prosperity and peace in harmony with nature. You will find that the book is not about the complexity of economics or financial instruments, but is construed in such a way that its contents can easily be taught in classrooms from the primary all the way up to the university level. It demonstrates how a seemingly complicated subject can be transformed using a terminology and schematic that anyone can comprehend, especially geared to the public at large that has no understanding whatsoever of the complex mechanisms prevailing in today’s world of economics and finance.

Bernd has written a book for you and me.  A book that shows us the beauty of the instrument being introduced to you, which is the result of years studying nature. Bernd is not the only person entertaining thoughts in this direction, but his approach may be the most holistic one.

It is obvious that Bernd’s book has been written and published just in time to meet the urgent need, leading the way toward the hope that we can resolve the existing situation as regards the financial crisis, which, in spite of prevailing opinions to the contrary, has consumed so much precious time and energy for well over five years. Though we have gone through many crises in the past, this time around it is long overdue to find a sustainable solution for generations to come. »The Natural Economy of Life« may present this possibility. Take time to reflect and convince yourself that this is the most viable method. In comparison to other books on the topic you may find that by reading »The Natural Economy of Life« you seem to be entering a wonderful, joyful playground. If this book succeeds in giving the inhabitants of our wonderful blue planet hope for their daily lives, then it has done a great job. If politicians, scientists, economists, religious leaders, artists and society at large begin to understand  and realize the prospects this natural economy of life has to offer, and begin implementing them ...then we may soon enjoy a more harmonious world by eradicating hunger, poverty, ecocide, inequality and wars.

I wish you all a wonderful experience reading this book and hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Hopefully, you will also be able to say yes, yes, yes, let’s get started and join together in finding the best way of introducing Gradido to the market as a lasting solution. An open-minded approach and good will are the essentials for success for the common good.

Sesto Giovanni Castagnoli
Evolutant, Entrepreneur and Founding President of WSF-World Spirit Forum

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