Excerpt from the book »
Gradido – Natural Economy of Life«
»In all beginnings dwells a magic force
guarding us and helping us to live.«
– Hermann Hesse
Swiss writer
Knowledge is not worth anything unless it is
applied. Anybody who knows how a piano works but does not practise will never
be able to play the piano. Everything acquires its value from what we make of
it. »By their fruits ye shall know them«, the Bible says (Matthew
7: 20). As simple as this realisation is, the more difficult it is to put into
practice when it is a question of new monetary and economic systems. We cannot
simply try out the Natural Economy of Life either in a laboratory situation or
in real life. Is the undertaking therefore doomed to failure? By no means!
As always when we do not know how to go on, we
have an excellent counsellor we can ask – nature. Nature did not first of all
try out life on earth in a laboratory situation, or at least we do not know
that she did. As far as we can observe, nature uses two tools – the creative
plan and evolution. We find the creative plan in all manifestations of life, in
every seed, in the genetic code, in the natural laws, in the paths of stars and
galaxies and in the paths of electrons. Evolution can be historically
researched, for example with the help of excavations, stone specimens and
fossils. In general, nature starts realising her creative plan on a small scale
as far as is possible and then lets the whole thing grow. Sometimes it grows
continuously and sometimes there are leaps in its development, the so-called
leaps in evolution.
We have copied nature’s creative plan and from
it developed the Natural Economy of Life. It is the fruit of our joint work in
the research project. With the copies of this book you can sow the seed in the
entire world. When the time is ripe and the soil fertile, the seed will
You, dear reader, are warmly invited to contribute
your personal share and scatter the seed. To do so, you do not have to be in
agreement with every detail as everything will go on developing and anyone can
contribute to the future development. Knowledge of possible solutions is
actually the most important thing we need at the present time.
If you want to do more, you can help to make
the soil fertile by talking to others about the concept on the internet, in
social networks or in person, of course. This is bound to result in most
interesting conversations.
A further possibility is to join a gradido
network, for example http://gradido.net. There you will get your own gradido
account, your own website and access to the gradido marketplace. Such gradido
networks will soon be created all over the world. They are, so to speak,
virtual research islands with a real background. The members can offer each
other goods and services and grant each other gradido discounts of any amount
agreed on. The more gradido networks are created, the wider the entire network
will be. This is plan C from section 78.
If you want to cooperate more intensively or
support the project and our work financially, we warmly invite you to become a
member of the Gradido Academy: http://gradido.net/academy.
The next few sections are concerned with how
the Natural Economy of Life can be introduced in phases parallel to the
existing system.