Friday, September 7, 2012

Advantage 14 – A merciful system forgives mistakes

Excerpt from the book »Gradido – Natural Economy of Life«

»Justice only exists in hell; in heaven there is mercy.«
– Gertrud von Le Fort
German poet

Gentle transience saves us from damage when we make mistakes. A person who makes a mistake in business may possibly have to pay for it their whole life long. For the repercussions of the mistake increase from year to year because of interest and compound interest.

In contrast to this, the gradido is a merciful system. Transience makes the mistakes only »half as bad« after one year. It lets the »grass grow over them«. And after a further year you will scarcely notice anything any longer.

How many promising business ideas often fail today in the very first few years because they could not be financed well? And how many once successful firms have to give up? The large part of these bankruptcies would be unnecessary if we did not have such an uncompromising economic system.

There will hardly be any bankruptcies in the Natural Economy of Life. First of all, people will have more liquid money and secondly, mistakes can be coped with much more easily without the existence of the business immediately being called into question.

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