Friday, July 6, 2012

Advantage 55 – There is enough for everybody

Excerpt from the book »Gradido – Natural Economy of Life«

»The world has enough for everyone’s need but not for enough everyone’s greed.«

– Mahatma Gandhi
Indian lawyer, publisher and pacifist

If an archetype is suppressed to such an extent, two polar shadows emerge according to the archetype theory. The Great Mother’s shadows are fear and greed. The fear of not being provided for is reflected in the immoderate greed manifest in ever-increasing money grubbing. A greedy person is never satisfied and thinks they must have more and more to escape the feeling of not being provided for. Fear and greed are thus the two complementary sides of the same coin. As we now know how fear and greed came about, we also know the remedy. When we give people the secure feeling of always being provided for, these two shadows vanish by themselves. The Natural Economy of Life is a way of ensuring that all people worldwide are provided for and of generating sustainable worldwide prosperity and peace in harmony with nature. Overpopulation can be avoided in a gentle way, as we have seen in advantage 39. But even if the world population should continue to increase for a while, there is enough for everyone, as we discussed in advantages 48 and 53.

The Natural Economy of Life does not build on the incorrect theory of scarcity, which constitutes the foundation of today’s economic theory and virtually provokes fear and greed. It has integrated the Great Mother’s archetypes into itself and provides life-affirming incentives to distribute this earth’s goods in such a way that everybody’s needs are met.

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